In 2016, Justin Beaton, a former substitute teacher in Racine, WI’s high schools, was taken to court for a case involving girls he knew at the high schools he occasionally subbed at–the only time he ever faced a legal charge in his life.
The JBCHP© and his legal team since provided evidence that confirmed and validated the facts of the case to the media outlets who covered it before. Against all odds, 17 of these news outlets had the compassion to remove their coverage of the case. One of the companies even went a step further and initiated the “Moving Forward” project, which allows those affected by outdated or inaccurate stories to get the content erased. Other cases like Justin’s inspired this decision.
It is important to realize that not everything you read or hear on the news is always accurate. Oftentimes, inconvenient facts, perspective, context, and proper proportion have been withheld in favor of seeking out clicks and views. It is vital to do one’s own research to determine the validity of what’s being asserted before jumping to conclusions. The 2016 Justin Beaton Racine County sub case is a perfect example of this.
The JBCHP© is an reform organization that advocates for transparency and rational practices in the media and justice system. Inspired by the 2016 Justin Beaton Racine, WI substitute teacher case and developments thereafter, the JBCHP© seeks to advocate for change in these institutions. You can read about the 201 case at https://www.justinbeatoncase.com.
The Justin Beaton case serves as a sobering reminder of the value of responsibility concerning the court of public opinion and passing judgment before all the facts emerge. It draws attention to the shortcomings we face in society regarding this topic and the necessity of changes to guarantee that rights are upheld and people aren’t unfairly slandered. This case has spurred a wider discussion on the need to confront sensationalism head-on due to the potential damage it can cause in the lives of people and their families.
Contributor, JBCHP©